Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breaking Bad, Before Bed

As I was growing up, my parents always instilled in me that I should never eat junk food or watch TV before bed or else I would have nightmares. As an adult, I get to do whatever the fuck I want. So I did both last night, I ate ice cream and caught up on Season 5 of Breaking Bad. (I'm so far behind that I don't really see the point of discussing the show in detail like I do for 'Dexter' on Tha O Show.) I also don't want to turn this into a stupid lame ass dream blog, but again: as an adult, I get to do whatever the fuck I want... so I will share my dream.

After a successful night of running crystal meth through the city I went back home with my two associates (aka, drug dealers... for those of you keeping score at home) to do the only logical thing after a profitsome drug deal, stack our money and eat ice cream. Unfortunately for us, we didn't get to do either because a crazy bitch with a shotgun came to rob us.

Immediately I thought "girls can't use guns", which is when she began wielding a sword in one hand and a knife in the other instead (apparently, my subconscious mind thinks this is far more plausible). Either way, she has a dangerous weapon that I realize I have to get away from her because I (like any other drug dealer) want to stack some money and eat a delicious frozen treat. So I lunge at her and wrestle the sword and knife away from her very well manicured hands (I know, WTF right?).

Now I have this crazy, unarmed, increasingly attractive bandit subdued. Here comes the hard part, what do I do now? Do I take the Walter White route and kill her? (Apparently my subconscious thinks it's fine to sell crystal meth but still maintains that I could never kill anyone.) Or do I take the Dexter Morgan route and keep her in captivity until we fall in love? (#AwkwardFirstDateStory)

Unluckily for me I woke up before I made my decision. So let my ask you the readers, what would you do?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The U turn

Welcome to the 180th Degree. This blog is intended to be a journal of events through my quest to completely turn my life around. Now, it's not that I'm a recovering drug addict or retired hitman or anything super extreme and awesome. I'm a regular guy who has lived his life very mundanely, although very unstably. From job to job to social assistance to shittier job. Paycheque to paycheue, hand to mouth, but with dreams of bigger things.

 As recently as this week I've decided to pull a U turn in life. A 180 degree turn if you will (pssst, that's where the name of the blog comes from). I've set out to better my life. Go back to school, start my own business venture, maybe even dip my toes back into the dating pool.

This blog is something I'm doing to share my experiences with the masses and hold myself accountable for this new change in life. That's not to say it's going to be all business. I don't really care to share the inner workings of what I'm doing or how I'm doing it (unless of course you guys want to read about that kind of stuff). I'm going to keep everything lighthearted and fun.

From the people I meet, to the experiences I have, to how I feel about stuff, to what I watch, to the poker I played, to how my fantasy football team is doing (it's actually pretty beastly). Just whatever is on my mind. This blog will be updated as frequently as I feel like and even less regularly. So basically, I'm gonna post what I want, when I want. I will try to keep it updated on at least a weekly basis for you my adoring fans.... both of you.